The last few weeks have been busy, we have opened our doors to new members and they are working with vigor on their chosen mini-projects.
We have a group working on a separate set of electronics, corresponding to the set installed in the car. They are getting familiar with Solidworks and 3D printing at the moment.
Another group swiftly finished a simple new handbrake, which looks great! We have obviously been overthinking the solution for far too long.
The last group is working on a drybox for 3D printing filament. Because the filament we use, called PETG, is hygroscopic it will absorb water, so after the (very) hot and humid Eco-shell marathon 2018 all of our filament has become soaked. To save the filament it must be dried, preferably in a hot and dry environment. The box itself is finished so the job for the next weeks is to install the electronics.
While we wait for the finalized projects, take a look at the recently finished third iteration of AAU ET Fuel cell control!
I mean, take a look at this sexy beast!